Not sure what is going on with my crafting equipment....the revenge of the machines? A few days ago, my tumbler quit....the little roller part that makes the tumbling chamber go round and round literally melted off. Guess it just couldn't stand the combination of the hours of tumbling, and the temperature of the studio when I'm not in there....gets right toasty! tumbling - no pretty copper jump rings shiny as a new that gets put on hold. I tried going back to the low-tech way of cleaning them up....salt and vinegar...but didn't get them clean and shiny enough for me to use....
Of course, the sites that sell the tumbler do NOT sell any replacement parts, even though the google search says they! Their idea of replacement parts is extra tumbling medium and rocks. Hoping my hubby can fix this and make it all new again!
Today, I went out to the studio....and there across my work station that I am using lay my lamp on its extension arm. Now this is not just a lamp....the lamp also has a large magnifying class in the center - makes it just marvelous to use to work on tiny favorite kind of there a message here? The block that holds the entire lamp, and clamps on to the counter top just split in half...or is split and bent at a very odd angle.....not gonna go back where it was.
But, I soldiered on....I promised a picture of the tiny dark iridescent blue pearl beads....guess they are what's called a 'potato' shape....kind of irregular....but that appeals to me. They are small - I forgot to put a dime or something in the picture to give it some kind of scale....but each one is about half the size of a pencil eraser....maybe a little smaller. Here they are:
Open to any suggestions as to what I should make with these. This is only part of what I have....there are probably three times the amount shown in the picture. Can't wait to read what you think these beads should become!
Also....the person whose idea I decide to use will receive a pair of fringe earrings. And...for those who don't know what it is that I call 'fringe earrings' - here is a pair...I make several versions of these, but the basic shape and kind of beads is what is shown here....the pair shown are a pretty iridescent (love that shimmery color!) pinky-lavender...and the design is one of my favorites....
Here's your chance to own a pair of these - which normally sell for $15.00 - gratis! Free shipping too! Who can resist that? Bring on the suggestions!
After talking about my idea to continue the design of the "Dream" earrings, using warmer colors.....I did! Looked through my stash of pretty crystal bicone beads, and picked out some warm colors....jonquil yellow, crystal AB, Antique Rose, Copper, and Ruby Red....and put this combination on graduated lengths of silver-plated chain....put all the chains on a large jump ring, which I strung through a silver bail....really like that look! As usual, the earrings are all on sterling silver french hooks - and I'm likin' the warm colors just as much as the cool ones I made earlier....
These are also $20.00, and if you would like them....send me an email at trysh *at* gmail *dot* know to remove the asterisks in the address :-). I will then send you a Paypal invoice, and ship them out as soon as payment is credited to my account. I make no money on the shipping - what I am charged, I just pass on...
That are the "Dream" earrings in warm colors:
Since I was on a roll, I decided to keep going and finish up another idea I floated out here on this create a necklace to complement my "Sunshine" earrings....I had actually started it - but was hesitant to put the design on a copper chain....seems that lots of folks might have a skin reaction to copper - even though most copper jewelry findings now have a coating on it that not only helps prevent tarnish, but also helps with the reactions.
But...the perception is there - so I decided to try and put it on leather....and that worked out really well! The black of the leather actually made the copper and the mother-of-pearl disc beads pop out! Love it. I used a 'trailer hitch' clasp - it is just the simplest one to use...and I also liked it for this design.
The price on this is $20.00 - just refer to the directions above if this design strikes your fancy....
Here it is...
Now to do some thinking on what to do with the tiny pearl chips I got last week....what could I combine them with? Do earrings? A necklace? Bracelet?
Hmmm.....send me your thoughts on what I should do with the dark blue pearl nuggest (they are real small)....and win yourself a pair of fringe earrings! Don't know what they are? Come back tomorrow - I'll post a pair so you can see! Be sure and check back for details!!
After making the pretty crystal earrings for the "Dream" challenge, I decided to try another version of the same design. This time I used all 'cool' colors....starting with a dark blue, then crystal AB, sapphire blue, crystal AB again, and finishing up with purple velvet - and my, I do like that look! Of course I immediately thought of doing it yet again with warm colors - reds and yellows and coppers....stay tuned on that thought!
Here are the 'Cool Crystal' earrings:
If anyone is so inclined to purchase this pair of earrings - the price is $20.00 plus shipping - Send me an email at trysh *at* gmail *dot* com. I'll send you a Paypal invoice and once payment is received, I'll send them right out!
Last weekend I did get to a bead store (dangerous place for me....with wanting to get 'one of everything'!) - looking for more pastel freshwater pearls - which I didn't find, but did find some tiny iridescent dark blue pearl chips....and some pretty Mother of Pearl round disc beads. They reminded me of tiny suns....and today I played around with them and the copper wire. Got the earrings done, and am playing with the same components to make a choker necklace. Bit of sunshine for the now 'nice' warm weather! Here they are:
Hmmm.....the photo doesn't do the beads justice - they are more 'goldy' color and the iridescent qualities don't come through at all....have to play with my photo editing and see if I can improve the picture. I really like all the different shapes of the copper in these...each shape has its own shade of copper color, subtle but pleasing!
If anyone is so inclined to purchase this pair of earrings - the price is $15.00 plus shipping - Send me an email at trysh *at* gmail *dot* com. I'll send you a Paypal invoice and once payment is received, I'll send them right out!
I didn't make it in June....just couldn't get any ideas at all....but that made me even more determined to try to do it in July - and this time the 'creative prompt' was "Dream". Now that was a really good one!
This was just as I received the wonderful news that my cancer is now in complete remission - so this really was a dream come true....thanks to God, the doctors, and all the prayers offered by all my friends.
So...I came up with a couple of designs - one in silver and pastels...freshwater pearls and silver just seemed so calm and a dream stirred by the clouds.... here is that design:
That was a good one.......but then I wanted to do one that was more of a 'dream come true' one....and all I could think of was fireworks.....which translated into various colors of Swarovski crystal beads on different lengths of fireworks falling from the sky...Here they are:
This was truly fun.....and stretched the imagination a little to come up with an idea prompted by a word....and one given by someone else....looking forward to doing this again in August!
While trying to solve some problems making copper charms, I started playing around with different gauge copper wire....coiling it, hammering it....
I think that anyone who uses a hammer on a regular basis would crack up watching me with my tiny little anvil, and tiny hammer....but the wire coils are tiny too, and a big hammer is kinda overkill. So, I look silly, but that little hammer does a good job!
First I experimented with putting together different gauge coils in the same design....with small and smaller copper jump rings....liked how that looked, and couldn't resist adding some copper crystal bicone beads on long headpins - and liked that even more! These might become a favorite of mine!
Here they are:
That was such fun, I kept on going and tried doing scrolls - connected coils - I started out thinking bracelet - but then decided to stay small....I wear earrings more than bracelets, after all. Couldn't leave them totally plain - so I added some Swarovski glass pears drops - the creamy color goes well with copper!
Here is the second design:
But, this design would be very cool as a necklace with added dangles....little steampunk flavor I think....hmmmm.....I know exactly what I want to do here.....stay tuned!
I had a pair of pretty crystal heart beads - kept them for a long time, since they always reminded me of a lovely girl who tragically passed away.
After a time, I came across them again, and it just seemed right to make them into a pair of earrings for my friends's Mom....who is also a dear friend. I didn't think they needed any further embellishment, so I just put them on large silver jump rings and let them shine as is.
Here they are:
I love that the picture shows how these pretties have an inner glow - and I know they'll be so pretty when worn!
My, it sure is easy to let time get away from me! Been way too long since I posted....partly because of all that's going on....and partly because I'm trying to learn more about Photoshop...which I'm finding has a steep learning curve!
But I digress.....a while back I had seen a necklace using graduated lengths of chain as a foundation.....I really liked the look, and decided to use it to see what I could come up with...I used some really pretty pastel Antique Rose Swarovski bicone crystal beads, and as a focal piece, a little silver dragonfly. I love dragonflies, and this just set the whole design off! is the result:
Looks so pretty hanging from the silver plated chain.....and is just lovely when worn - really attracts attention!
Of course, such a pretty piece deserves a pair of earring to go with out came more crystal beads, and a couple more dragonflies....suspended on bits of chain....a perfect complement!
I am trying hard to get back into a 'crafting routine' - spending a bit of time out in the studio each (or most) day.....and there's more to show stay tuned!